Digestion & constipetion

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Triphala juice

Triphala juice


  • Controls the harmful effect of diabetes
  • Corrects digestion
  • Controls the eye sight
  • Controls the unwanted greying and falling of hair

Triphala Powder

Triphala Powder
  • Controls the harmful effect of diabetes
  • Corrects digestion
  • Controls the eye sight
  • Controls the unwanted greying and falling of hair
  • Controls blood pressure
  • Makes the body silm & smart
  • Increases the hemoglobin percentage in the blood
  • Purifies blood and makes body healthy

Triphalam Syrup (Triphala Syrup)

Triphalam Syrup (Triphala Syrup)

1.      Acts as a Detoxifier. Cures Digestive Issues.

2.      Helps in Fighting Infections and Enhances Immunity.

3.      Beneficial in Maintaining Oral Hygiene.

4.      Beneficial for Eye Health. Helpful in Treating Gastric Ulcers.

5.      Helps in Treating Urinary Tract Infections.

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Trikadu Syrup (Thrikadugam Syrup)

Trikadu Syrup (Thrikadugam Syrup)

1.      Hepatoprotective

2.      Appetite Stimulant

3.      It also helps in reducing flatulence

4.      It helps to increase the white blood cells.

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